Scorpio's Chiron is located in the ninth House. People with this sign may feel a need to sex and punishment and may even feel the need to vengeance or destruction. s are charismatic and have a strong sexual aura. People with this sign may find it difficult to connect with other people, but it's important to find a way to communicate with them on a deeper level.

Scorpio-born women with Chiron tend to be passionate, emotional, and possessive. While their desire to be loved and cherished by a partner may sometimes be misguided. However, they are usually intelligent and have a good understanding of power dynamics and motivation. Scorpio males born with Chiron are passionate, intense, emotional, and often feel deep pain. They are possessive and emotional and can feel grief or resentment at the loss of a loved one. can also be very sensitive and become addicted to drugs, alcohol, and other dark magic.

Scorpions with Chiron will be extremely sensitive and intuitive. They can see into the eyes of others to find out what they are thinking. They have an inborn ability to understand others and are committed to solving their problems. Intimacy and compassion are other areas of Scorpio personality traits, and they tend to seek out strong relationships with powerful women. They seek to be at the center of women’s lives.

Chiron in Capricorn has a strong sense of self-worth and is very focused on material possessions. Taurus people can struggle with money and beauty, as well as lack of self-confidence. It is important for these people to accept themselves, their own worth, and their own needs. However, Chiron in Capricorn can lead to troublesome behaviors if not addressed.

Although Chiron is an asteroid, its placement in a person’s birth chart can reveal important personal characteristics. Chiron was an orphan who suffered a terrible fate. His mother, Phylira a nymph, was his father Cronus an ancient Greek Titan who sex with Phylira in disguise as a horse. Apollo, the god many things, raised Chiron, who then shaped his character. Apollo's guidance enabled Chiron to become a highly educated and well-mannered individual. He knew from his earliest years that he had the ability to heal.

Despite having both wounds, the Scorpio is known to be a matchmaker. They are known to make relationships work out, but often find it difficult to say goodbye to them. They are too emotional and tend to take on too much responsibility. Their feelings are rooted in the early relationship they had with their mother. It's not uncommon for people with this sign to be very possessive of material objects.

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Last-modified: 2022-09-16 (金) 05:59:29 (597d)