Scorpions who have the Chiron in Scorpio in the ninth house can feel a strong urge to sex or punishment. They may even feel the need for revenge or destruction. Scorpio Chirons are charismatic and have a strong sexual aura. This sign can make it difficult for people to connect with others. However, that you find a way to communicate on a deeper and more personal level with Scorpio Chirons.

Scorpio-born women with Chiron tend to be passionate, emotional, and possessive. Although they may be unable to find the love and affection of their partner, they are often very intelligent and are able to understand power dynamics as well as motivation. Scorpio males born with Chiron are passionate, intense, emotional, and often feel deep pain. They are very emotional and possessive, and they often experience grief or resentment over the death of a loved one. Scorpio Chiron men are sensitive and can easily become addicted drugs, alcohol, or any other dark magic.

Scorpions with Chiron will be extremely sensitive and intuitive. They can tell the truth about a person by simply looking into their eyes. They also have an innate ability to understand others, and they are devoted to understanding the causes of their pain. Scorpios also have a tendency to be intimate and compassionate, and they are attracted to women who are strong and can support them. They also seek to be the center of women's lives.

Chiron in Capricorn has a strong sense of self-worth and is very focused on material possessions. Taurus people can struggle with money and beauty, as well as lack of self-confidence. These people must accept themselves, what they are worth, and what their needs are. If Chiron in Capricorn is not addressed, it could lead to troubling behaviors.

Although Chiron is an asteroid, its placement in a person’s birth chart can reveal important personal characteristics. Chiron was an orphan. His mother, Phylira was a nymph and his father, Cronus was an ancient Greek Titan who had seduced Phylira disguised as a horse. Apollo, the god who is able to shape his character, raised Chiron. Apollo's guidance helped Chiron become a well-educated, well-mannered person. During his early years, he knew he had the gift to heal.

Despite having these two wounds, the Scorpio tends to be a matchmaker. Scorpios are known for their ability to make relationships work, but it can be hard to say goodbye. Their tendency to assume too much responsibility makes them emotionally oversensitive and emotional. Their feelings are rooted within their early relationship to their mother. This sign is known for being very attached to material objects.

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Last-modified: 2022-09-16 (金) 06:02:44 (597d)