<p>Article content Plague Inc., a digital game that focuses on creating and spreading contagious pathogens around the world, has seen an increase in players in the spread of the coronavirus outbreak.
<p>Article content Ndemic Creations, the company which developed the game reported Friday on Twitter that its servers and website hosting multiplayer games were having issues due to large numbers of players.
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<p>Virus video game sees 'very high' number of players in the wake of coronavirus outbreak Back to video
<p>Our servers and websites for custom scenarios and multiplayer are having trouble handling very high player numbers. We're doing our best to get it functioning by 4pm UK Time. Sorry!
<p>Plague Inc./Rebel Inc. (@NdemicCreations) 24, 2020. 24, 2020
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<p>Article content The company also issued a statement on Thursday regarding the coronavirus, calling it "deeply disturbing".
<p>"Whenever there is an outbreak of disease, we see an increase in the number of people affected, as people try to learn more about how diseases spread and to understand the complexity of viral outbreaks," the statement stated.
<p>According to China, the new coronavirus has killed 81 and infected over 2700.
<p>The company advised players not to believe in the game's accuracy as it depicts how coronavirus spreads and instead offered a link to World Health Organization.
<p>"However keep in mind that Plague Inc. is a game, not a scientific model and that the current coronavirus outbreak is an extremely real-life situation that is affecting a huge number of people," the statement said. "We strongly recommend that players get their information directly from local and global health authorities.
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<p>In the game the player creates and names a fictional bacteria, virus or another pathogen , and tries to spread it throughout the world. As the game progresses, the player can choose how their virus spreads and the symptoms it causes. The game was released in 2012 and it became the 15th most downloaded paid iPhone game of 2012.
<p>Many of the players have difficulty to get their virus spread across Greenland to Madagascar. Some joked on social media that the coronavirus won't affect these two countries.
<p>I am a big fan of Plague Inc. on my phone.
<p>So I am pretty certain that the Corona virus will cause organ failure in just some days.
<p>Only Madagascar is safe. Maybe Greenland.
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