If there is more than 1 opponent in the pot and I'm in early position, I don't c-bet unless I have a hand. This rule sounds predictable but it rarely causes a problem. If I played against the same group of people on a regular basis, I would mix it up occasionally. But for the average poker player, this is just fine.

Initially you'll need to learn which are the best pocket cards to play and from what positions. When you play premium hole cards you give yourself a much better chance of actually winning the hand.

It doesn't matter what cards you get dealt, how strong your pocket is or not, when you can correctly guess what your opponent has you can bet effectively enough to force them into a corner.

This is pretty hefty and makes up the remainder of your game, but isn't 100% required. If you are lacking this area in your Texas Poker strategy don't worry because you are not the first. But any successful poker player has a strategy for this.

poker betting strategy Your opponent's chip stack also makes a huge difference, not only to the size of your bet, but as to whether or not you will bet at all. If you make a pre-flop raise of $300 and your opponent calls with only $300 left in his stack, he is pot-committed and you will not be able to bluff him after the flop. Realize this and either flop or be prepared to put him all in.

Check Raise: This is also known as trapping. https://anotepad.com/notes/bkkgx5a9 by acting weak in hopes of hiding your strength. With any luck, this will encourage a bluff or at least a misinformed bet from your opponent to get him to put his chips to the pot.

The exact tip is to never ever check and never ever call. What's that? Never. Yes never. When you play this aggressive style you only ever raise or fold. And if someone else re-raises you and it comes back to you, you can only re-raise them or fold.

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