Steve — You were smart to do what you did, but your sister shouldn’t beat herself up either. All that will do is make her feel bad, and no mother wants that for her child …

Vincent — I’m sorry your dad couldn’t get past his anger at your mom; of course, we never know the “real” story of what went on between our parents.Kudos to you for not repeating that dysfunction with your own kid.

SMS — Hi!!! I’ve missed you! I know you’ve had issues with your Mom (and her with you!), and I know it’s easier to feel this way when you get along with your folks, as I do, than for those you don’t. I hope when people become parents themselves, they get a little more insight into the struggles and challenges their parents went through (like years of no sleep!).I hope you had a lovely day with your lovely family.

T — True words, indeed, but still — not that easy to hear. Because there’s a part deep inside of us, no matter how old we are, that wants things to be the way we want them to be. Happy belated Mother’s Day to you!

Janet — Ha, yes the therapy fund! Make it a big one; the kids will be choosing our nursing home!!! ;-)

Henway — Hadn’t heard that but she’s right. Especially since the parents of those grads probably forked out about $200K!!!

Steve Part II (actually, III) — OMG, the narcissism nowadays, a la social media. Look at Me, Me, Me!!! But, aren’t we parents as bad with all the mommy blogs? But, this is a great point: “it is time to drop this way of looking at things, even if you are right.” You can be right (My parents messed up my life …) and still change your attitude (… and now I’m going to do things my way!)

Bloggy Daddy — And here I thought you were perfect!!! Yeah, having our own kids and wanting them to feel kindly toward us as we age is a great motivator!

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Last-modified: 2021-04-14 (水) 00:41:21 (1107d)