<p>Fabric is a lightweight, experimental modding toolchain for Minecraft.
<p>Fabric's APIs can be ported quickly and made modular which makes it much easier to create game instances and make porting faster. Fabric development is focused on snapshots as well release versions. This allows for quicker mod updates and better community planning. - The Fabric toolchain is accessible to anyone to use, even if you only want to use some of it!
<p>You'll require the Fabric Loader to install Fabric. Download it here
<p>In addition, the majority of mods rely on an API mod that has commonly used hooks. They can be found here:
<p>Fabric API for Minecraft 1.14 and above
<p>The Fabric project maintains an alternative to Enigma the tool used to deobfuscate Java classes, originally developed by Cuchaz Interactive. Our updates include numerous bug fixes and optimizations across the codebase, as well as enhancements to the user experience and compatibility.
<p>Downloads are available here.
<p>The tiny-remapper program is a quick and well-optimized tool for precisely mapping.JAR files using Tiny mapping format.
<p>Other tools
<p>Fernflower A modified JetBrains upstream with line number mapping information. Matcher, a tool used by sfPlayer1 for tracking elements in obfuscated Java archive releases. https://strongcraft.org/ This is used for Yarn mapping updates. Stitch is a collection of small programs that provide a variety of functionality used by the Fabric project in command-line mode that includes generating and updating "intermediaries" to ensure stability of names across versions using Matcher output, or merging client and server Minecraft .JARs. Weave is an earlier version of Stitch can be used to export Enigma mappings in the format of Tiny formats files.

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