by Otter on 2005 Aug 12 - 21:04 | reply to this comment
Pregnancy IS the most blatant sign of submission
This article really resonated with me. When I was pregnant with our children, I never felt more feminine, sexy, and cared for. Back then, I was in serious denial of my submissive needs, and I didn't really understand where those feelings were coming from, but I knew I never felt more like my husband's woman. As a result, I was hot for him ALL the time. I remember making love and thinking about possibly getting impregnated (during non-pregnant moments, of course), and it was such a turn on! I remember hearing my friends talk about how miserable pregnancy was, and wondering if I was a freak. Looking back, I regret that I wasn't able to reconcile erotic feelings with breastfeeding in my puritanical mind, therefore, the breasts were for the kid, and I was uncomfortable having my husband touch them until the kid was weaned. Poor guy, I nursed one kid for almost two years!

by Schmoodle on 2005 Aug 16 - 23:12 | reply to this comment
Great topic!
This is such a hot topic! I recognized my own comments in response to your poll, and I realized they were mild in comparison to others!

This is such a primal and sexy topic! There is nothing better than feeling those hard-core Male/female feelings of impregnation, pregnancy, and breast-feeding. It's what we were meant to do!

Unfortunately, some of us experienced that wonderful experience with the wrong person, or in the wrong way. I, personally, found out later in life how much better it could have been.

I am still very grateful and happy for the beautiful child I have, and also for the beautiful children my darling husband has, but it would have been great to have experienced those intense feelings together with the man that has been my husband for the last ten years.

We lovingly parent our children together, and have a very strong, loving family life, but we both sometimes wish we had met each other earlier - in time to have children together. We're lucky that we share such a strong fantasy world and sex life together - we both fantasize about him impregnating me or me being able to breastfeed.

We truly cherish our time together and our children are very happy. All of us feel deeply blessed to be together and love one another as much as we do. Your family is what you make it, no matter how it happens!

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