Which brings me to write about this today.

Personally, there is nothing more beautiful to me than what I do. Helping people has always been something I am passionate about ever since I could remember. Apart from food, I was always eager to share what I knew with people because it added meaning to my life. Somehow, I found myself being able to help people in this way. I think no one can put it good as my Manila-Dubai TDD Instructor Nash Casten put it, “Some men were created to make music. Some men were created to split the atom. We were made to help men find the woman they want.“

Doing this was a dream I worked hard towards for the past 2 years… and I am glad that I am doing it. I think I am damn good at what I do.  I doubt there is a single student of mine out there who will not attest to that.

PushUpsI say this from experience. No matter what you do, people are going to judge you. I mean, come on, even the Pope has enemies, so i find it fair to say that there is gonna be someone who is going to call you a loser. But all that is just “noise” you should tune out. Stick to those who support you because at the end of the day, I really think it’s the result that matters. I think that a person who cannot admit he/she has a problem, and therefore continues to do the same shit over and over again, never finding a solution to the problem… only to eventually end up miserable… that person, is the real loser.

On the flipside, people may give you shit (true story haha) in the beginning, calling you a loser, inadequate, laughing at your setbacks and directly/indirectly persuading you to quit when the going gets tough. But eventually, when you figure this out and find yourself overcoming the problems you sought out to conquer… I would want to congratulate you because you have chosen to win, and you have won deservingly.

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