<p>We are seeking an individual to join our team to provide high availability, performance, and security for more than a billion users every month from over 28 locations across six continents. You will help us build, maintain, and share the world's infrastructure.
<p>You will be part of an extremely small, vertically integrated team that oversees an extensive infrastructure. This includes:
<p>- Maximizing availability and uptime through proactive planning, solid design choices, and quick reaction to any failures. The result is that Automattic services are as quick as possible for users through the optimization of server-side and client-side interactions, and collaboration with third-party services when required.
- Ensuring that our services are secure for our employees and customers by combing proactive monitoring and enforcement with real-time responses and data integrity/backups in order to facilitate recovery following disasters.
- To eliminate any friction as possible between Automattic developers and their goal of shipping software. If there are questions, we will answer them usually in a matter of minutes, sometimes minutes;
Here's a map of real-time traffic. Each color represents an Automattic data center: https://automattic.com/automattic-data-centers
<p>If you are:
<p>- Have maintained large Nginx setups with advanced routing configuration load balancers, reliable performance and high availability;
Managed large MySQL/MariaDB installation with unmatched performance, uptime, and data integrity.
- Have the experience of running and debugging PHP applications at scale;
- Understand the relationship of these services to the lower level systems stacks such as filesystems, network, memory management, kernel internals, etc;
- Experience in the maintenance and operation of complex web hosting systems that are accessible to the public.
- Can design, prototype and maintain solutions to various hosting and problem areas independently
Pay attention to every little detail and strive for operational excellence.
- You are available to travel for a period of 2 weeks after COVID every year to get together in person with your teammates.
Want to know more about the way we work?
<p>We are looking to grow our team and hope to reflect and expand on the variety of Automatticians currently working with us. Automattic is a firm believer in diversity and acknowledges the value of different perspectives. This will ensure that our team is creative and innovative.
<p>If you're reading this on a site other than automattic.com please ensure you visit automattic.com/work-with-us for the latest details on applying.
<p>AUTOMATTIC - We are the people behind WordPress.com and WooCommerce, Tumblr. Simplenote, Jetpack. Longreads. Day One. PocketCasts. We believe in making the internet an improved place.
<p>We're a distributed business with more than 2000 Automatticians spread across 96 countries speaking 120+ different languages. We make commerce and publishing accessible to anyone. Anyone can tell a story, and anyone can sell a product, regardless of income or gender, political affiliation, or country.
<p>We believe in Open Source, and most of our work is licensed under the GPL.
<p>DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION at Automattic We're striving to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion in the tech industry. At Automattic we want people to be passionate about their work and show respect and empathy to all. We welcome differences and strive to increase participation from traditionally underrepresented groups. Our DEI committee includes Automatticians from all over the organization and drives the grassroots change. This group, for example, has helped to create private online spaces for Automatticians and also runs monthly DEI People Lab series to further educate. Automattic is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion. However, our dedication is not limited to Automatticians. Our products are free and translate them into many languages. We require unconscious bias training for our hiring teams as well as make sure that our products are accessible across different devices and bandwidths. https://txt.fyi/-/22257/47ce1ae2/  https://coderwall.com/p/1qtn_q/french-officials-told-to-abandon-gaming-anger Learn more about our dedication to equity, diversity, and inclusion, as well as our Employee Resource Groups.

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