<p>Mojang's breakout smash Minecraft came in second place on Google's list of the top YouTube searches of 2014. The game ranked right ahead of "music" in terms of the frequency of searches.
<p>According to Google, "Minecraft" was most frequently searched on YouTube in 2014 than "movies". https://blogfreely.net/tunedrink0/minecraft-unbreaking-conquering-enchantment Gaming personality PewDiePie was also among YouTube's top searches in 2014, trailing queries for Disney's Frozen and for the artists Drake and Beyonce.
<p>Google reports that searches and engagement for gaming-related content are on the rise even though a majority of users don't necessarily identify as gamers. https://postheaven.net/paincobweb1/get-the-best-minecraft-skins YouTube videos in the "Gaming" category topped the service's Top 10 Most Popular list on a variety of days in October of 2014.
<p>According to the report, a Google Consumer Survey was conducted in October 2014 with people who said they had watched gaming videos on YouTube. It revealed that only 37% of respondents consider themselves gamers. "When asked about their reasons for watching gaming videos, viewers were able to mention 'humor' and entertainment' as often as they were asked about 'learning new strategies' or 'game tips.'"
<p>The report continues: "We also wanted to discover the reasons why people watch videos by creators like PewDiePie and SkyDoesMinecraft. Many fans replied, "Because they are hilarious!" These videos were even considered stand-up comedy. An up-and-coming gaming creator summed the interest in the video with the following analogy: 'You don't have to play soccer to enjoy it on TV.'"
<p>[Image: Google]

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