To encourage to keep playing in this manner, you may actually want to go the full hog and congratulate him on the way that he played the hand (with your tongue firmly in your cheek of course!) and tell him that you had no idea he was holding such a monster.

With enough practice at the guessing game - continually guessing and checking, guessing and checking - you will be able to more and more accurately know what hands the other players have.

First things first, find an online no limit Texas hold em site such as pokerstars or full tilt that will let you play for free. Experience will help you hone your skills. Online you can learn the basics such as knowing what cards win, how the betting works, and how you go about making the winning hand.

poker betting strategy There is much to be gained by learning before playing. Poker tournament strategy will give you an idea when, why, and how to call, check, or raise a bet. There will be tips on body language and how to anticipate your opponents' moves. Indeed, with a good poker tournament strategy, you're well on your way to raking in the chips.

Initially you'll need to learn which are the best pocket cards to play and from what positions. When you play premium hole cards you give yourself a much better chance of actually winning the hand.

Then comes the real knowledge, reading players. You can do this online to an extent. You'll have to closely watch the players bets. See, certain players are very aggressive, and certain players are very conservative. Players will stick to the same relative betting pattern when they play, unless they are either really bad, or really good. You'll learn how to pay attention to these patterns and predict when they're bluffing and when they've got a good hand.

Playing the player has 2 sides. In regard to your play you are trying to read the other players, read their play style, figure their emotions and drivers and from here play your cards optimally.

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