The third and most important thing to do to conquer your betting is, at a later time when you aren't playing poker, analyze the information you recorded about yourself on what was stopping you betting.

The first tactic to do is play your positional advantage and keenly watch the 2 or 3 players sitting to the right of you. Your whole goal of the game is to just get these players money.

For example, if you play a sure thing hand of 85%-15% you will win most of the time, but sooner or later that losing 15% will come around. Factor that in.

B folds, because, indeed, he has nothing, and if he calls, he will be committed to continue. Had B moved all-in then it will be a good all-in, for A could still be guessing at this point what B's hand was. But B's cards were not strong enough.

Your objective is to see many flops. You will raise any unraised pot you enter and will be willing to call raises. On continue to bet and raise aggressively. Understanding where you are in the hand is crucial! Your aggression will get you lots of little pots and your chip stack should grow. The downside is that people will get tired of your constant aggression and start playing back at you.

Once you are in the money, your objective will be to take first place and the more chips you have, the easier it will be. Understanding how your opponents are playing is still a critical part of your strategy. You need to be careful with Calling Stations and Big Stacks. They are likely to give you action when you may not want it. By now you should know who is trying to squeak into the money. Take advantage of them and steal everything you can.

poker betting strategy Write out your plan or strategy. A key component of this should be a list of the pocket cards you will play and from which position. When you know upfront which cards you are going to play you don't have to waste time at the table deciding whether to play or not.

OK, so you may have already known much of that but it always helps to see it written out in plain English. Anyways, let's talk about increasing your profits with the c-bet. One of the costliest mistakes poker players make with the c-bet is using it every single hand without thinking.

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