How to select a Management Consultant? How does a client choose the best management consultant for their needs? It isn't easy. There is no public register that can rate our work, distinguish us from our peers, or even how much we charge. It reflects our profession's current state: untamed and unstandardized. Some even question its legitimacy. Professionals in similar situations would choose a similar best solution ? the test. A Certified Management Consultant (CMC), qualification shows a consultant is serious about consulting as a career. We think consultants should have a T-profile. The top bar of the T represents a management consultant's professional expertise. The consultant should then have deep expertise in one or more areas such as IT, process management, HRM, strategy, etc. that match your project needs. As a client, you should expect to work hard to find the right consultant. Ask questions and probe if you don't understand. Pay attention to bad vibes. Take your time and don't be rushed. Choosing the right consultant for your organisation may be one of the most critical decisions you make.

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