<img width="431" src="http://askfarms.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Ginrin-Kohaku-Koi-Fish-e1530462906575-500x375.png">
It is well known that Koi have a voracious appetite. 

The most common food that they consume is whatever fits inside their mouths, which is almost anything.

The creatures will eat anything, from insects to fruit and even small fish.

You must still ensure that koi pond residents receive appropriate nutrition.

Taking matters into your own hands is the best way to feed koi fish. Discover some homemade recipes that will make store-bought food taste like plastic!

Where Should You Look for Ingredients?
 https://munnweiss.tumblr.com/post/695554774009102336/determine-the-salt-level-of-your-koi-pond-how-can in homemade koi fish food are definitely healthier than others.

To ensure your koi get the nutritional input they need to become the beautiful, huge giants we know and love, let's explore some things you should add to their food. 


Dietary protein is one of the most important things you can give to your koi. In order for them to build muscles and prevent disease, they require a lot of protein.

Koi grow and thrive best on plant and animal proteins that are easily digestible, as they provide an adequate and balanced protein source.

A great source of plant protein is spirulina, beans (soybeans and chickpeas, in particular), and wheat germ.

To this food base, you can also add shrimp, krill, insect larvae, bloodworms, mealworms, and other insect or sea creature-based proteins.

It provides a good foundation for adding other ingredients to. 


There are three key components to a koi's diet: food, water, and fat.

Your koi fish need fats to grow and to find energy to swim around. Besides helping prevent deformities, they also contribute to the coloration and vibrancy of your koi fish.

Five to ten percent of Koi's diet is fat, which bulks up their bodies and keeps them looking good.

Fish oil and linseed make great fat sources for koi. The oils provide extra vitamin and mineral content, especially the linseed oil which contains linoleic and linolenic acids. 


In all aspects of a koi's diet, carbohydrates should be a minor element.

Due to their ease of digestion, carbohydrates are a good source of quick energy, but they are not sufficient in terms of nutritional value.

A diet high in carbohydrates can lead to fatty tumours growing and other serious health problems.

Carbohydrates are fine in moderation, though. Bulking up your food can be done with wheat germ and unsweetened dried cereals. This should, however, be done sparingly. 

How To Make Koi Pellets

It is essential that your koi pellets are able to dry entirely to avoid moulding.

A good base recipe can be found at Pond Informer. This recipe includes broccoli greens, carrots, spirulina, wheat germ, raspberry, garlic, and krill as an optional ingredient. For meat-based proteins, you can also use dried shrimp, mealworms, or bloodworms if you do not have access to krill. 

The vegetable content of this food makes it rich in vitamin A, B12, C, and D, along with carotenoids that enhance the red and orange hues of koi fish. The presence of vitamin E in their diet also serves as a metabolic stabilizer by regulating their energy exertion and cell reparation.

A good base food for koi that can be tweaked to suit the taste and nutritional needs of your fish. 

The Best Way to Make Koi Fish Food Homemade

Since koi paste is less prone to mould growth, it is a superior alternative to dried food.

The ingredients for koi paste are similar to those in dry food, however koi paste is usually wetter and further cooked. Koi and fry with smaller mouths will especially enjoy it, as it is easy to eat. 

It provides a diverse ingredient list and helps to reach all essential nutrient markers thanks to this recipe from Casha. A soft food option that includes shrimp, crab, fish meal, garlic, vegetables, supplements, and a splash of orange juice.

As Calcium Montmorillonite aids in proper digestion, fish are able to absorb as much nutrition from their food as possible. Koi waste production is also reduced, resulting in a clearer pond, and reducing waste that can throw off the biological cycle of the pond, increasing health issues and severe illnesses in the koi population.

Koi fish are known to respond well to this recipe, which, like the Pond Informer dry option, can be customized to meet the preferences and needs of a wide range of fish. I recommend giving it a try if you want to make your own food.

Koi Fish Food Made From Scratch

It is easy to control the nutrition of your koi fish by making their food at home. It is a wonderful way to supplement specific dietary concerns naturally and make sure your koi fish are healthy and happy.

Make sure you experiment with the ingredients to see what works best for your koi. In addition to their own preferences, koi can be pretty fun to play with.

Regardless of what you choose, your koi will be able to benefit from the carefully selected nutritional elements included in your design, which will boost their health and vitality! Good luck!
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