You should see the look on her face…

The Drunken Russian: “What kind of shoes are those anyway?”

Dude, shut up, I got this. I just keep quiet and watch it fall apart…

The Drunken Russian: “You never told me where you got your shoes.”

Sigh. She grabs my arm, squeezes…

Her: “Goodbye.”

Now what this was an instance of, was over-negging. My negs were right on, but The Drunken Russian kept coming in with his negs. He normally stays out of the picture and lets me do my thing until I hook the girl and introduce him, but for some odd reason, he came in and started negging her as well. This is out of character for him. Whatever the case, time to move on.

We decide to head to High Five. On my way out from Out R Inn, the watch chick sees me and squeezes my arm again. I know exactly how to deal with these hot girls. You deliver subtle playful negs until she starts qualifying herself to you or you see clear indicators that she is interested in you, such as leaning in, asking questions about you, playing with her hair, etc. I’m pretty use to making fun of women, as it is all I did in grade school, and is probably a big reason why a skinny guy like me got the hot women that I did.

High Five. Inside. Dead. However, The Drunken Russian redeems himself by introducing me to a cute Egyptian girl with colored red hair and…cat ears? This is what good winging is all about, talking to each other and correcting mistakes. I talk to The Egyptian. The conversation doesn’t matter all that much (it was pretty long), but here are a few of my quotes that I believe are relevant to you…

Me: “Are you into cosplay?”

Me: “Ever been to Otakon?”

Me: “You look like a Samurai Pizza Cat!”

Me: “Oh, so now you’re Sailor Moon?”

She responded very well to all of these comments and questions. This is why it pays to be cultured and very observant. I’m not into all of that stuff, but I am aware of what they are. When you’re cultured in different areas, you allow yourself more chances to connect with people.

We’ve made a few connections, so that’s great, right? One problem. This girl is overly aggressive. I like sexual women, but she is just too free with it. She told me about how she took a transvestite home, thinking it was a girl, and when she saw the penis, she had sex with her/him anyway. That, and there were just other little things that were red flags.

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