Straight to my bedroom. Doesn't even say anything about cards. If you're curious as to why I haven't kissed her yet, it's because I didn't want to reveal my intentions so soon, especially while still at the bar. She asks me why I talked to her at the bar. I give her my bullshit story about fate and destiny. She buys it. I don't believe in any of that shit. I am destiny, and I create my own fate.

I start lacing our conversation with seduction, but never mentioning anything sexual. She looks at my books. Loves them. Every single girl that comes into my room seems to recognize these two books. No idea why. She likes my room, my wardrobe. She notices my boy's art on my wall...

4-H: "I really like those. I've never seen 'em before."

Me: "My friend did them; He only created 12 of them."

Time to seal the deal...

Me: "That one right there, what do you see in it?"

4-H: "It looks like a fish."

Me: "I never noticed a fish. Look again, I see a deer."

4-H: "Wow! I see it!"

I lower my voice...

Me: "It's amazing how two people compliment one another like that, seeing what the other is blind to."

Her face is literally inches away from mine. She slowly turns her head and looks at me. I kiss her. My hand starts to softly caress her inner thigh area, she pulls it up. I want to, but I can't do this, she says. She's not dealing with an amateur. I kiss her, but as I'm kissing her, I'm making her work for each kiss, placing my lips just slightly out of her reach, making her come to me...

4-H: "You're such a tease to me."

Me: "I know. That's the point."

I take my time kissing her. She straddles me. I unsnap her bra, more kissing. Her shirt is still on. Lift it up, just a little. Lips make contact with her breasts, but never touching the nipple. I slowly turn her over, I back away. Crawls back on top of me, takes off my shirt. She's now on autopilot. No more resistance. She is ready to fully give herself to me. Takes off her own clothing, pants, underwear. Do I go straight for the goods? No. I take my time. Fingers graze around her sensual areas, but never making full contact with the centers of pleasure. Tease, I will.

She sucks my dick. Haven't done anal in awhile. I tell her that I'm going to put my dick in her ass. I don't ask, I tell her. Turn around. No lube. She yelps at first. Never done this before, she says. Hard and slow, 

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