Marriage is about love, intimacy, sex — or at least it should. That sounds like a lot more fun than it is work.

Well, maybe we say it’s work because if we’re
not constantly paying attention to it and tweaking things, it will slide into Groundhog
Day boredom and, eventually, divorce. But, is that inherent in the institution of marriage itself, or is that just how we approach it?

Isn’t that what we agreed to when we said we’d love, honor and cherish our partner. That means it’s just part of the marriage package, understood, accepted and embraced.

Making marriage work takes a lot of the fun out of it — maybe that’s why marriage is getting such a bad rap lately.

On the other hand, maybe having a job description and yearly reviews might make everyone’s expectations clearer. Life is always easier when we know what we’re supposed to do!

But maybe it’s naive of us to think — or demand — that marriage has to keep fulfilling all our dreams and expectations. We don’t continually ask that of our work, although we could always get a better job that pays more and offers new challenges (not lately, of course). Could it be that marriage could just be?

Do you consider marriage work?
Is that good or bad?
Can working on a marriage make it better?
Can a marriage survive without working on it.
How much work is the right amount?

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