by Louise C on 2004 Nov 27 - 07:58 | reply to this comment
Interesting post
Interesting post. Why do some respond sexually to what you are calling "sexual dominance" whereas others respond sexually only to "nonsexual" dominance? Why do some respond to "sexual" dominance but not to "nonsexual" dominance? Can it truthfully be called "nonsexual" dominance if they respond sexually to it?

Your thoughts?

by Everglade on 2005 May 30 - 12:46 | reply to this comment
too good?!?!
I find it funny that someone would complain about having a nice, sweet, obedient wife.

I can only speak from personal experience, but I have no desire to intentionally goad my boyfriend into spanking me. I don't want to risk damage to the relationship by doing something truly foolish. Sometimes, however, I crave a stronger/harder spanking (it helps me unwind after a stressful week, something about having all control removed from me is cathartic). I'd talk to her and see how she feels about it. It's possible that if she already has an interest in spanking she may have the same desire. If she doesn't though she may still be willing to let you try given the comfort of having a safeword to use.

I really don't think you want her to change her sweet nature or needlessly worry you just so you can have an excuse to spank her.

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