But people if your ex can’t decide between you and another guy for a long period of time (a long period for me would probably be a month or so) then she’s just playing you and it’s not worth your time. If she wants you she’ll start pursuing you.

If you find that you still have feelings for your ex, but she clearly does not or cannot make up her mind then DON’T BE FRIENDS WITH YOUR EX (this is different if she is going through a very emotional and stressful experience; if this is happening then stay friends with her and provide her emotionall support). I know that sounds strange, but it will only hurt you in the long run. And don’t have casual sex with her either, that will just hurt you even more. If both you and your ex have moved on then you two can be friend.

But if you still want to get back together with your ex and nothing seems to be working then I would suggest you write/type out why you like the person and what made you happy about the relationship (but if it’s going to be really long then don’t send it as multiple texts, that would be annoying). When you write this don’t put in things that will make her feel guilty like if I am not with you I will kill myself. You don’t want to get her to come back with guilt. It won’t last.

Also don’t argue with your ex when she complains or points out the negatives in the relationship and/or you. Instead listen to her reasons and dont interrupt her. After she gets through the bad about the relationship try doing the above thing a few hours after the argument (make sure she doesnt try to interrupt you while you’re listing those things out.)

Wow this is long, sorry about that.

Don’t turn into a stalker, that’s just creepy and unattractive. Trying to contact her multiple times over a short period of time is a big no. examples: Don’t call more than five times every hour. Don’t call more than once a day (unless she calls you first or she calls you back and you miss it then refer to no calling for more than 5 times in an hour). Dont send her a 100+ messages in one day unless it’s to hold a conversation with her. Don’t show up to her work everyday or her house. etc etc.

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