Also a lot of couples don’t bother with marriage anyway.
I’m not aware of any normal sexually active women who has failed to get an LTR when she was ready.
So like I say, no need to panic girls.

86Höllenhund December 29, 2010 at 12:59 pm
“Birthrate seems ok.”

Did you actually bother looking at the stats? They are way below the replacement level everywhere in the West.

“I’m not aware of any normal sexually active women who has failed to get an LTR when she was ready.”

How do you explain the louder and louder complaints of middle-age women that they cannot find an “eligible” man? The widespread complaints of women in general that men are “avoiding commitment”? Yes, woman are able to form LTRs – just not with the men they can get to commit.

Just keep fiddling as Rome burns, Jess. Your solipsism is hilarious.

87terre December 29, 2010 at 1:52 pm
Jess, half of babies born in the U.S. are not white/Euro-American. The U.S.’ birth rate is being bolstered by its unusual status as an immigrant nation; whites outside of Utah and the South are suffering from sub-replacement fertility levels on par with Western Europe. In Germany, the problem is so bad that housing developments are being torn down by city planners (Berlin is infamous for being a squatter-friendly metropolis, since the ratio of people to houses is so disproportionate).

88Kurt December 29, 2010 at 4:03 pm
Jess, yes it is true that many 25 year-olds might be immature and some might appreciate a man’s “solvency.” However, there are also many older women who are also the same way. In fact, older women are often worse about the money thing because they are desperate to get married and want a man with money who would be a good provider.

You might find this hard to believe, but there actually are some well-balanced attractive women in their late 20s who are genuinely attracted to men in their mid-30s and it really isn’t because of the men’s net worth. I actually find that if anything many women seem to undervalue a man’s earning capabilities.

89Jess December 29, 2010 at 5:23 pm
I saw a documentary last month that said there was global overcrowding.
Due to longer life expectancy and industrialisation of the third world we are facing a energy and food shortage.

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