From here, you keep the conversation simple, letting her do most of the talking. I don't say anything special, none of that funny guy stuff. I keep it simple. I don't do the "noserape" thing, I am not loud, and I don't play any games. I find something I like about her, and I empower her. I suggest that she follows her dreams, giving examples of how I followed mine. This creates a genuine connection between the two of you.

If you run out of things to say, don't choke and try to force awkward conversation. Just lay back and relax. Silence won't hurt anything. She'll eventually re-initiate the conversation.

By now, I might offer her a drink regardless of if she has offered me one or not. Scratch that, I ask her what she's drinking and I go get it. Now some of you guys are against the whole buying a woman a drink thing. To that? I say fuck you. If everything's going well, then why not? While you're out every night spending all kinds of money chasing women with no results, I'm about to get laid, and the only thing I've spent is a little pocket change.

By this point, she's really comfortable with you, so I tell her that we're going to go dance. This is where I get very sexual; Give her a preview of things to come. Do I make out? No. I want her sexually charged, thinking "God, I have to have him.". Making-out releases some of this stored up sexual energy, which I don't want to happen until we're at a place where we're able to have sex. If anything, I give her the occasional whisper in the ear, letting my lips graze slightly against her skin.

Okay, at this point a lot of women will say something along the lines of "You're a player.", "I bet you take girls home and fuck them all the time.", or "You just want sex from me.". Again, these are things women have said to me. My response? "And your point is?". Women will think to themselves, "Wow, he's honest.". They will have so much more respect for you after something like this.

Option B is to make them feel like shit by using a response like "Why would you say something like that about me? I haven't judged you, so why would you judge me?".

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