Over the weekend, the TDD crew in Singapore celebrated one of our mates’ birthdays at The Butter Factory. We got 2 tables right by the dancefloor which resulted in great logistics. Now what I mean by success being ORGANIC is that when you are the 24/7 Attractive Man who is in control of whatever can be controlled, and you have set yourself up for success, it really is only a matter of time before success finds you. This is something PUAs will never understand. At TDD, we do not believe in ridiculously opening sets (warm-up sets lmao!) and all that. What we learn is to be AWARE of the people around us that are receptive to our Swagger (X=X) and BAM, done.

So I finally entered the club at 12am after nursing a sudden eye-infection, which pretty much meant that I missed the seed-planting time. But due to the incredible logistics and the vibrant vibe of the crew, when I got there, I saw girls just hanging within our Line-Of-Sight via my Matrix-vision. They were just WAITING to be approached. What was awesome was that there was a bachelorette party RIGHT NEXT TO US. As far as I’m concerned, TDD instructors and some of our students are big, big fans of bachelorette parties. So in I went, just vibing by stating the obvious, making merry. Now, the thing with bachelorette parties is this :

THEY ARE OUT TO HAVE FUN. IT IS A GIVEN. A bachelorette party is possibly the FRIENDLIEST group of girls in the entire club. If you charm the gatekeeper (the girl who’s running the party for the bachelorette), it is pretty much GAME OVER. I was planning my seduction of one of the chicks in that bachelorette party already so after vibing and playing my Line-Of-Sight, I had them dragging me towards them every time I got too close. “YOU! YES YOU, COME HERE AND DRINK!” all-fucking-night. After shooting some laser-eyes to my target, I found myself in one such scenario with my target and I put my arm around her and said, “Alright, if I get drunk, she’s taking me home.” The party erupted and cheered for my idea.

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