by VelvetHammer on 2006 Sep 21 - 17:41 | reply to this comment Down to earth VH wrote:

With regard to muscle mass and tone, my notion and seemingly the notion of women who are attracted to me, is a functional one: male muscularity that comes from working the soil, harvesting the wood, building decks and timber frames—structurally useful features for getting real work done. Obviously our service economy and brain work doesn’t lend itself well to that sort of “natural” result—something I struggle to work out in trade-offs between my intellectuality and my physicality. I confess to being faintly amused at and a tad condescending of gym workouts. When I see this I say: help me split some oak.< you wrote something I can relate to. With all your pointy headed verbiage, I wondered to myself, has this guy ever placed hammer to nail? There is a certain wisdom that comes from doing that no amount of intellectualism can replace. I am fond of DH Lawrence for this reason, not only for his concerns regarding the dehumanizing effects of modernity (a story for another day), but for his evocation of spontaneity and instinctive behavior, especially in regards to sex.

Curiously, the deep satisfaction a man recieves from the scent of fresh tilled earth, well oiled leather, or red oak shavings, is not unlike the smell of good sex with a giving and sweaty woman. The fragrance lingers and oh, how it quiets the mind....... But I wonder, with a nod toward Dee's not the thrusting and penetrating an act of male domination?

Stephen (with sledge hammer and mall in hand)

by Stephen on 2006 Sep 22 - 01:23 | reply to this comment Quite a lot to read... There's quite a lot to read on this thread. In some ways I agree with Dee but my main conclusion is women differ a lot, even submissive women. Personal tastes in clothes or men

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