p>Minecraft: Bishop of Ely joins game to promote Gospel lessons


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p>The video game Minecraft is a virtual reality in which players can build anything with blocks, is being used to help deliver worship to younger generations.


p>The Reverend Becky Dyball, who preaches in Sawtry, Cambridgeshire, put herself into the game as a new method of sharing Bible stories.


p>With the assistance of her family, she also incorporated her boss, Bishop Ely of Ely, into the game.


p>She explained that the idea was born out of a desire to engage with children and excite them about worship in a collective way.


p>The Right Reverend Stephen Conway Bishop of Ely said: "I am so happy to have been a part of a new way of sharing Bible Stories and the good news about Jesus in this manner. https://notes.io/qdN4T </p>

p>"It is an excellent source for worship services in our schools which I highly recommend."


p>Show more


p>3 March 2021




p>BBC News






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Last-modified: 2022-09-16 (金) 11:09:53 (581d)